Our Products

Designed For Grades 5-9


Tier 1 – Eliminate problems before they happen.


Student Grade-Tracker

Guaranteed to raise your school’s average student grades. A simple tool that helps foster connection between teachers and students and adds a layer of supportive accountability.


Videos & Prompts

Check out our free video bank! All videos come with three writing/discussion prompts to choose from. Perfect for homeroom, advisory periods, weekly class meetings, small groups, SEL lessons, Motivational Mondays, etc.


SEL Curriculum!

Check out our 3-year, video-based SEL curriculum. We’re confident that we have the best, most engaging video-lessons out there. No one does SEL like we do. Teachers love it because it’s so easy and engaging. Students love it because it’s so real and entertaining. Preview for free and see for yourself!


Tiers 2 & 3 – Specific help for struggling students.


Behavior Reflection Forms

When things don’t go as hoped, students need to reflect on their actions. This easy-to-use form helps guide them through the process and provides a starting place for conversation.


Restorative Labs

One of the easiest and most powerful restorative tools available. Leverage technology to enhance your restorative efforts with each student, while maintaining the essential human connection. Strengthen the bond between students and adults, all while saving valuable time.


Small Group Curricula

Coming Soon! We are in the process of creating our next set of powerful tools. Sign up here to get notified and be the first to hear about new releases and exclusive updates.