Year 1

Videos & Prompts

Free Intro Series

Week 1




Music Video – a song by John including a section where he tells about his childhood struggles.

Week 2




John tells his inspiring story of the moment his life turned around, and introduces the Strong/Kind/Wise framework.

LOST Series

Week 3




Lost Part 1

John discusses what it means to be strong and the role it plays in finding your path.

Week 4




Lost Part 2

John discusses how kindness plays a crucial role in building strong relationships.

Week 5




Lost Part 3

The last piece of the Lost series, John talks about wisdom and why it is so valuable.

Struggle Series

Week 6



Music Video – a song by John about feeling alone and how the pain is not the end. 

Week 7

Your Fire


A follow-up to the song “Alone,” John talks about pain and how we can use it for good.

Week 8

David Goggins


John talks about the living legend… David Goggins, and tells about his amazing story.

Watch Closely Series

Week 9


Chris Dean


Mixing magic and his story, Chris tells about the art of hiding behind an illusion.

Week 10



John tells a childhood story about how his eyes were opened by a kid named Kevin.

Week 11



Chris and John team up to give some practical advice on reaching out.

The Big Series

Week 12



John discusses how the big things in life are not quite what they appear to be.

Week 13



John breaks down relationships in a way you’ve probably never thought of. 

Week 14



John makes a case for education from a different angle. 

Bullying Series

Week 15


Why We Bully

Part 1 (5:44)

John dives into one of the big reasons many bullies do what they do.

Week 16

Why We Bully

 Part 2 (10:49)

John brings up one of the biggest and least talked about reasons for bullying.

Week 17



John tells an inspirational story that about why people don’t always help.

Friends Series

Week 18

Views and Likes


What do we mean when we say “friend?” John breaks down different levels of friendships… YouTube style.

Week 19

Awkward Button


Steph talks about that awkward feeling we get when we meet someone new, and gives a couple helpful tips.

Week 20

Birds of a Feather


The old saying still holds true. John talks about how important it is to choose your friends wisely. 

Community Series

Week 21




John talks about the reason community is so important to us, and how we all have a role to play.

Week 22



Steph tells the story of how she learned the power of giving.

Week 23

Challenge pt.1



We challenge students to put words into action with our Community Challenge

Week 24

Challenge pt.2



We do a quick quiz to see what we know and wrap up the Community Challenge

Emotions Series

Week 24

I Did It Again

Music video followed by a breakdown about what it’s like when emotions take over.

Week 25


John talks about emotions at a biological level, and introduces us the “Notice it / Name it / Deflate it” technique.

Week 26


Steph picks up where John left off and talks about things we can do to help get control when emotions run high.

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