Step 1
Watch this short video to see how Reallyville works.
Step 2
Browse our video lessons below to see for yourself.
4th Quarter Trial
Full Lessons
Lessons designed to be given once per week for 15-30 minute periods.
Week 1
John tells his inspiring story of the moment his life turned around, and introduces the Strong / Kind / Wise framework.

Emotions Series
Week 8
I Did It Again
Music video followed by a breakdown about what it’s like when emotions take over.

Week 9
John talks about emotions at a biological level, and introduces us the “Notice it / Name it / Deflate it” technique.

Week 10
Steph picks up where John left off and talks about things we can do to help get control when emotions run high.

Week 11
Which Are You?
Students decide which response they relate to given different situations, and are asked to decide which responses are best.

Watch Closely Series
Week 24
Chris Dean
Mixing magic and his story, Chris tells about the art of hiding behind an illusion.

Week 25
John tells a childhood story about how his eyes were opened by a young man named Kevin.

Week 26
Chris and John team up to give some practical advice on reaching out.

Week 27
It’s time to play a little “What Would You Do?”

Step 3
Fill out the form below to get started! We will contact you within 24 hours.
Why Reallyville?

The Best Videos

While we do provide a full-year program, flexibility is built in. You can choose what, when, and how you use our content.

Low Cost
Better lessons for a fraction of the cost of the leading SEL and writing programs.

Build Relationships
We bring up real topics for authentic discussion and/or writing, creating an atmosphere where students feel heard.

No Prep!

Teach Life-Skills
“When are we ever gonna use this?” is not a question you will hear. The topics we cover are inherently meaningful.
What Teachers are Saying…
What Students are Saying…
Anonymous Student Feedback
- “It makes me think about stuff I never thought about before.”
- “He talks about things that are very true and he uses examples. I like everything about the videos.”
- “I connected because of the beat of the music, caught my attention and the message told me that I was ok being different.”
- “I like how they help me understand what to do in certain situations.”
- ” The videos are very inspiring and fun to watch. They are a great way to start off a school morning!”
- “I like the way he talks to the camera. I feel like he is talking directly to me.”